H.S. League Sunday 2/16
Court 1
12:30 Top Lot Warriors (6-1) vs Bombers (4-3)
Center Court
12:30 Kakabums (5-2) vs Goon Squad (4-3)
1:30 Steppers (3-4) vs YN All Stars (2-5)
Court 3
12:30 Methuen Alcatraz (1-6) vs Penn State (5-2)
1:30 Green FN (2-5) vs Hawgs (3-4)
MYBA Free Skills and Drills
Sundays at the Timony
Boys and Girls
Gr3-Gr5 9:30-10:30
Gr6-Gr8 10:30-11:30
Bring a ball and some water
Boy's and Girls PreK-Gr2
Saturdays @ Marsh Large Gym
Girls 9:00-10:00
Boys Pre-K & K 10:00-11:00
Boys Gr1 & Gr2 11:00-12:00
Unified Program for children with challenges
Sundays 3:00-4:00 @ MHS